A lot of first time authors have a lot of fears to do with writing their first book. Well, I am here to answer the most common fears for you, helping to make your first book writing experience a dream.
What If I Can’t Think Of A Title?
One of the most common worries in the book publishing world is wondering what will happen if you cannot think of a title for your book. You DO NOT need to worry about this at all! Some of the best books from the best authors have their titles chosen after most of if not all of the book has been written! Sometimes you just need a bit of inspiration before sticking to a title!
What If I Make A Spelling Error?
Spelling errors are extremely common in the book publishing industry and any writing industry for that matter. This is why people proofread their work and will hire an editor to double-check things over. So do not worry, after hours upon hours of writing a story, the first draft will always be full of little spelling and grammar errors. They can easily be fixed before publishing.
What If No One Wants To Buy My Book?
Another common fear, the lack of sales. Now becoming an author is a huge step and you should only write a book because you want to. If you are writing a book to make money then you should reconsider. Publishing a book should be something that you love to do. The making money side of it is just an extra. Anyway, with the right advertisement, you will always find somebody who wants to purchase your book at the right price.
Writing a book is great fun. Just remember to conduct all of your market research before you publish your book. It can be a scary time but all of your fellow authors are here to help you through it.